Born and raised in Beloit, Wisconsin, Lois Graves began playing the accordion at the age of seven.  She was a member of bands and ensembles throughout her high school years.  While at Wisconsin State University-Whitewater earning a degree in elementary education, she played her accordion only on occasions such as Christmas or summer vacations.  Her career, teaching reading and third-graders for 35 years, earning a Master’s Degree in Reading Specialization from Northern Illinois University, and participating in several organizations, left the accordion again to be played only occasionally.

When Lois and her husband, Todd, retired in 2000, Tucson became their “snowbird home.”  After hearing an ACT performance at Voyager R.V. Resort where they live in the winter, they joined the Club.  Lois has enjoyed participating in the “gigs,” and has gained self-confidence in playing her accordion.

During the summer, in Belvidere, Illinois where Lois and Todd have lived since they started teaching, Lois is one half of the "G-Notes” with her long-time friend, Rudy.  Todd is their announcer/photographer.  The “G-Notes” have entertained at several nursing/assisted living homes in the Belvidere area.

Lois Graves
Accordion Club of Tucson